Copy of Superbills Version 6

Released August 22, 2022


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After many long months of thoughtful redesign and intricate scripting, I'm proud to announce that my superbills are now available in Version 6 with many new features to make your practice easier and more convenient:

  • Telehealth coding options now incorporated into all applicable CPT (fee billing) codes
  • Reorganization of data flow to streamline and expedite completion
  • More information on the form to guide selection for maximum reimbursement
  • More ICD-10 and CPT codes to better meet your practice scope
  • Fillable format now incorporates better and more sophisticated behind-the-scenes scripting (coding) for faster auto-calculation (thanks to help from my talented middle son!)
  • Better PDF quality and resolution
  • More header options to better meet your practice style
  • More color options to match your company branding

This new version is a great improvement on the previous version and will hopefully work even better for your practice.  

NOTE:  All new versions are tested thoroughly but bugs are still possible.  If you run across any, please let me know right away and I'll fix it quickly!

Free Upgrades!

No matter when you purchased your LactForms, you're always eligible for free upgrades to the latest version.  I'm working on automating the system to send customers updates with each new version release but until that's in place feel free to reach out if you need updated versions of your previous purchase.